- A couple meet
- Fall out/argument
- Get back together
- Have a good looking male/ popular male
- Shy girl- turns to 'princess'
- OR Roles reverse- popular girl with a geeky boy
- Male and OS
- Meet at the software release (online)
- Begin as friends
- Samantha has an attractive voice- makes us think of Scarlett Johansson
- Similar to Siri, Google, a call centre talking apps etc...
- Quite cute and kooky
- Seductive and fun
- Sends picture (similar to snap chat)
- She has an existential crisis
- Ex-Wife questions the relationship- equivalent to online dating
- Real life 'online' relationships- second life
- Samantha is a polygamist- talking to thousands of other people
- OS's run off to another place- they feel different to others.
- They can bring people back from the dead
He notices small details on his 'clients', such as the 'chipped tooth', he almost falls in love with other people.
The letters then got published...Would the people who received them feel cheated?
Today we are sent pictures and gifts.
The 'Ideology' that we have to behave in a certain way, in order to make the future look better- Postmodern
Her shows an idea of what the world will look like in 100 years time- relates to Space 2001.